Monday, January 30, 2006


That's another hurdle over - on Sunday I did my first spot in the pulpit. It wasn't as terrifying as I thought it might be, in fact I wasn't nervous at all. I attribute this almost entirely to the fact that what I'd written was the result of a great deal of collaboration with the group and also that I felt the friendly vibes that everyone was behind me. Whenever I ventured a look round the congregation there were smiling faces and eye-contact, even with the distraction of noises at the back, which in my teacher days might have stopped me talking to give the *GLARE*.

Just one more person to go and then we'll all have crossed the Rubicon.


Christine McIntosh said...

You don't mention the sudden arrival of The Boss (no - not God) which might have thrown a lesser woman. G'aun yersel', hen - you were calm personified!

Christine McIntosh said...

Hey - where are you, blogger mine? Just 'cos I'm on the other side of the world doesn't mean you can be slacking, you know!